Friday, December 25, 2009

Fw: Merry Christmas To All, With Love...

Words are the mind's bridge - its connection to all the universe.
Love is the heart's bridge - its connection to all other souls.
Loving words can work miracles.

From: "Stafford, Daniel" <>
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 02:58:23 -0500
To: undisclosed-recipients:;<Invalid address>
Subject: Merry Christmas To All, With Love...

Merry Christmas To All, With Love...

The lights are strung,
The presents all tucked under the tree,
Sleepy smiles on cherub faces,
Abed even for you and for me.
If ever there were a moment,
When love could be found most anywhere,
This is it.

If there's a magic to Christmas,
It's the love we all share,
That's our greatest gift.

Tonight, we do as our Teacher said - and love thy neighbor as thyself.

Merry Christmas to All,
With love.


By: Daniel A. Stafford
(C) 12/25/2009 - donated to public domain.




Thursday, December 24, 2009 - A project to Back Up

The original Spinny's Castle is backed up on this site, here's the URL:

And here is the story of how came to be:

The story of recities is fascinating reading all by itself. It's a whole 'nother kind of magic, I'm sure Princess Spinny would be glad.

Also, Spinny's Castle has a second archive at


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas, Princess Spinny!

I know our dear Faerie Princess is busier than all get-out, flying around delivering Christmas dreams with her entire Court out there in Dreamtime, carrying Sandman Sand. I hope you all get a good rest on Christmas morning!
