Thursday, June 14, 2018

A Secret Tryst


A Secret Tryst

Whispering your name under a full-blown moon
A beacon like an optical exhibitionism show
I bask under it's glow with not a scrap of clothing on
I feel alive and for the first time in my life I belong
I wear only a small trinket around my neck
A talisman to hold as I sit on a rock dais waiting
Surrounded by an ethereal woodsy glen
Blossom and Honeysuckle perfume wafts on the cool air
And in the distance I hear an owl hoot
As a small animal screeches again and again
Wafer thin moon-beams shimmer all around me
The moon the only witness to my immortality
Forever I'll remember this very special night
I have earmarked it as our magical tryst
When two lovers secretly meet and become as one
A time to forget our enemies before the night is done

By: Janine Daniel

Author's Comments

This is a challenge where I was given a list of words and had to use one word per line. I wonder if you could work out which were the given words .... hmmmmm.

Sweetly Sensitive

3/25/2001 8:28:34 AM
Awesome job Janine!!!!!

3/25/2001 8:31:12 AM
J D. J D. how does your poetry grow? By a gentle hand with a magic touch and all the pretty words in a row!

Great job and you made it that much harder on yourself by doing it all in a row. The mark of a true writer and poet .

Doublegoodonya mate!!
Janine Danielspinnys@hotmail.comwww.spinnys.com4/20/2001 8:53:46 AM
I won this challenge. 31/3/01
Sweetly Sensitive

6/5/2001 9:48:44 PM
Congrats Miss Janine!!!!!

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